If a Woman Had Made The World

If a Woman Had Made The World


MP3 RECORDING: IF A WOMAN HAD MADE THE WORLD was written for and originally dedicated to Chris' mother, the late Ethel Werfel Owens (www.ethelwerfelowens.net). The song started as a collaboration between Chris and his two brothers, Geoffrey and Millard, who provided Chris with feedback on the early lyrics, the melody and the song structure. The Benson-esque guitar solo was played by one Clyde Spillenger, who had just graduated from Princeton University (where he met the up and coming guitar phenom, Stanley Jordan) and was pursuing a career in law. Clyde was never fully satisfied with the solo, but Chris absolutely loved it! Clyde has been on the faculty of UCLA's law school since 1993 and considers himself a "jazz guitarist in a law professor's body."

This vintage recording, released in 1984 on Chris' album-length cassette ANYONE'S REVOLUTION, was made using an 8-Track board -- bouncing a number of tracks around to accommodate all the inputs. The sound quality, therefore, is not ideal, but you can clearly feel the power of this song!

In March of 2022, celebrating Women's History Month, Chris prepared an inspiring lyric video to accompany the song. You can see it on the ARTIVISTUS YOUTUBE CHANNEL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fev9w6QxopQ&ab_channel=ARTivistUS). The dedication has been updated to include Chris' late wife, Sandra E. Dixon, who died in 2019 after a two-year struggle with cervical cancer. (www.sandradixon.rocks).

Thank you for your interest in IF A WOMAN HAD MADE THE WORLD! Enjoy the song!

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